Technical Land-Sea Spaces: Impacts of the Port Clusterization Phenomenon on Coasts, Cities and Architectures




Port Clusters, Technical Spaces, Land-Sea Interactions & Management, Coastal and Marine Environments, Port-City Architectures


Land-sea interactions, extending inland and towards the marine spaces, are affected by major management and design transformations. Globalization processes, port expansion projects and extensive energy transition requests have recently led port institutions to demand more land, engaging deeply with logistics platforms and radically restructuring forms of port governance. In this competitive context, the phenomenon of Port Clusterisation, i.e. the administrative aggregation whereby two or more ports are merged to form port clusters, is heavily impacting the institutional sphere. However, not only does this phenomenon have no control over cities, but its spatial component seems to be neglected by the disciplines of space, such as urbanism and architecture. As a result, port and city institutions lack design tools to tackle urgent challenges as coastal utilization, the need for resilient port-city infrastructures and the regeneration of the port-city architectural heritage.  In terms of novelty and contribution to academia, an examination of the spatial footprint of port clusters will allow research to move beyond its state-of-the-art by targeting a phenomenon that, though pivotal, is under-researched, especially within the spatial disciplines. 


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Author Biography

Assist. Prof. Dr. Beatrice Moretti , Department Architecture and Design – DAD, University of Genoa, Italy

Dr. Beatrice Moretti is a renowned architect with a PhD, currently an Assistant Professor (RtdA) at the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD), University of Genoa (UniGe). She holds the prestigious Seal of Excellence Certificate for her proposal submitted under the HE Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in 2021.

Currently, she serves as the Principal Investigator for the research project "PULSE - The Port-cluster Landscape: Developing a Spatial and Design Approach to Port Clusters," funded under the NextGenerationEU program and hosted at UniGe-DAD.

In 2023, Dr. Moretti achieved the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as a second-rank professor in Architectural Design (08/D1). She has also lectured at renowned universities globally, including Delft University of Technology, Yeditepe University of Istanbul, ETH Zürich, and Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea.

As an accomplished author, her publications include "Un colle, un transatlantico, un nome. Tre storie sul porto di Genova" (Sagep, 2018), "Beyond the Port City. The Condition of Portuality and the Threshold Concept" (JOVIS, 2020), and "A Landscape Infra-structure Research. Roma Tuscolana Pilot Project" (ListLab, 2022, co-authored with G. Tucci). Dr. Moretti's work continues to shape the discourse in architectural theory and practice worldwide.


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How to Cite

Moretti, B. (2023). Technical Land-Sea Spaces: Impacts of the Port Clusterization Phenomenon on Coasts, Cities and Architectures . Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 7(1), 208–223.



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