Urban Design Evolved: The Impact of Computational Tools and Data-Driven Approaches on Urban Design Practices and Civic Participation





Design Process, Design Tools and Technologies, Participatory Design, Computational urban design, urban design


In recent years, the changing pattern of human activities, increasing data regarding the spatial environment, and the possibility of collecting and processing this data allowed us to reconsider how we approach urban design, with a focus on a digital-oriented and data-driven perspective. In this study, we examine the evolution of urban design by analyzing the roles of designers and citizen empowerment. Our analysis includes a literature review and semi-structured interviews with computational design experts. In this sense, the literature is reviewed to investigate previous discussions and findings about the topic, and semi-structured interviews were carried out with seven computational design experts. The experts were selected by considering two criteria: (1) their experience with computational urban design subjects in practice and (2) their academic research background. This study concludes that technology-driven urban design solutions change designers' relationship with data, opening new avenues for objective, data-driven & data-informed decision-making. There are few differences between traditional and computational design practices regarding user empowerment and participatory design. Moreover, technology-driven urban design tools and methods are still in their early stages and are rarely used in actual projects.


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How to Cite

Gün, A. (2023). Urban Design Evolved: The Impact of Computational Tools and Data-Driven Approaches on Urban Design Practices and Civic Participation. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 7(1), 242–260. https://doi.org/10.25034/ijcua.2023.v7n1-16



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