Adaptive Strategies Used in Urban Houses to Overheating: A Systematic Review




Adaptive Strategies, Thermal Discomfort, Urban Overheating, Heat Island Effect, Urban Development


Recently, urban regions are experiencing prolonged heat exposure due to climate change and increased population expansion. Physiological, psychological and behavioural measures improve residents’ thermal comfort to solve the overheating issues generated by the scenario. However, adaptive strategies have not been clearly categorized based on the building construction process. This paper systematically reviews 101 documents published from 2013 to 2023, across 22 countries, with a focus on Nigeria. Using descriptive statistics and content analysis, we identify and categorize 52 adaptive strategies into four groups: urban design, effective building design, insulation, and occupants’ behaviour. These strategies are further classified according to their application in the building process stages: pre-design, design, construction, and post-construction. The study provides a full response to overheating in the building sector with efforts to reduce energy consumption rate and greenhouse gas emissions. The findings of the study contribute, significantly to improvement in occupants’ health care and well-being, as well as high productivity levels and socioeconomic benefits. Future research is therefore recommended in the efficiency of its implementation to develop innovative and cost-effective solutions in the construction industry towards sustainable urban development.


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Author Biographies

Sakirat Abimbola Afolabi, Lead City University in Ibadan, Nigeria

Sakirat Abimbola Afolabi is a first-class graduate of Architecture from the Lead City University in Ibadan, Nigeria and undergoing a doctoral programme in Architecture from the same University. She had her professional training experience in Housing Development and Management from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Afolabi Sakirat Abimbola has published a paper on the maintenance culture of public buildings focusing interest on sustainable development.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funmilayo Adedire, Lead City University in Ibadan, Nigeria

Dr. Funmilayo Adedire is a high-flying academic, administrator and researcher in Architecture and Urban Planning. She received her professional training in Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Lagos and the University of Ibadan, Nigeria respectively. Demonstrable results in academia include among many initiating, developing university academic curriculums, spare heading and securing both professional and academic accreditations for Architecture programmes from undergraduate to post-graduate level including research programmes. Dr. Funmilayo Adedire’s research interests centre on Housing, Urban Resilience, Sustainable Urbanisation, Architectural Technology (Digital innovation in Architectural practice and education) and Landscape Architecture. Her research publications have covered different aspects of urban transitions including peri-urban housing, challenges to spatial transition, urban quality and resilience of emerging African peripheral urban systems. Other areas of publications include the adoption of digital technology both in architectural education and practice. Further research experience includes reviewing for notable international journals in the built environment.


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How to Cite

Afolabi, S. A., & Adedire, M. F. (2023). Adaptive Strategies Used in Urban Houses to Overheating: A Systematic Review . Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 7(2), 106–126.



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