Publication Policies

The Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs is dedicated to maintaining the utmost standards of ethics in publishing and takes into consideration the guidelines for transparency and excellence in scholarly publishing established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).

» Publication decisions
» Fair play
» Confidentiality and anonymity
» Disclosure and conflicts of interest
» Citation policies
» Updating published papers
» Investigations
» Data fabrication and falsification
» Journal policy on ethical oversight
» Sex and gender in research
» Journal policies on intellectual property
» Journal policies on data sharing and reproducibility
» Data availability statement
» Post-publication discussions and corrections
» Publishing Schedule

» Privacy Statement
» Policy of Screening for Plagiarism
» Complaints Policy
» CrossMark Policy


» Duties of Editors
» Duties of Authors
» Duties of Reviewers
» Duties of Publisher

Reviewing Procedure

» Peer Review Statement
» Resolving inconsistencies

Open Access

» Open Access Policy
» Repository Policy
» Archiving Digital Version
» Article Processing Charge

Copyright & Licensing

» Copyright
» Licensing
» Self-archiving policy
» Disclaimer 


» Section Policies
» Ownership
» Journal’s Revenue Sources

Publication decisions

Editors at the Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs are responsible for deciding which submitted articles will be published. This process is primarily guided by the reports of the referees, and editors may seek input from additional reviewers or editors before reaching a final decision.

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Fair play

Manuscripts are assessed based solely on their intellectual merit, without consideration of the author's age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality, or political beliefs.

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Confidentiality and anonymity

Manuscripts submitted for peer review are treated as confidential and are not disclosed by the editor or editorial staff to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, or other editorial advisers as necessary. Editors and reviewers are prohibited from using the submitted materials without the authors' permission.

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Disclosure and conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest, also known as competing interests, arise when external factors might influence the impartiality or objectivity of the research or its evaluation. Transparent disclosure of any potential conflicts allows others to make informed decisions regarding the research and its review process. Common types of conflicts of interest include:

  • Financial
  • Affiliations
  • Intellectual Property
  • Personal
  • Ideological
  • Academic

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Citation Policies

The Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs follows the best practices outlined in COPE's discussion document on "Citation Manipulation." For more details, you can check their recommendations here:

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Updating Published Papers

When complaints or requests for revisions arise, the Editorial Office, with the help of the Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief, thoroughly examines the issues. They might also consult university officials or subject experts if needed.

  • Corrections: If an error affecting scientific accuracy is found, a correction will be added to the article and its abstract page to inform readers.
  • Retractions: The journal follows COPE's guidelines for retracting articles when necessary.
  • Expression of Concern: We adhere to COPE's recommendations for issuing an Expression of Concern.
  • Comments and Replies: Readers can submit short letters questioning the results or methods used in a specific article.
  • Addendum: If important details were missed in the original publication, an addendum can be added to include these results and amend the article.

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Any concerns about ethical violations or research ethics should be reported to the Research Integrity team. Reporters can choose to remain anonymous using services like ProtonMail or TorGuard. The journal may ask authors for data and images, seek advice from editors, or contact institutions to investigate further. We follow COPE's guidelines in these matters. For more information, see Allegations of Misconduct.

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Data Fabrication and Falsification

We reserve the right to reject manuscripts if we detect any fabrication or falsification of data. This includes plagiarism, submitting the same work to multiple sources, redundant publication, and manipulating citations.

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Journal Policy on Ethical Oversight

Our journal adheres to COPE's ethical guidelines, including policies on consent for publication, protection of vulnerable populations, ethical treatment of animals and human subjects, handling confidential information, and responsible business practices. Authors must obtain approval from their institutional ethics committee and provide proof when submitting an article.

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Sex and Gender in Research

We encourage authors to follow the "Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER)" guidelines by the European Association of Science Editors (EASE). Authors should clearly distinguish between "sex" (biological) and "gender" (social and cultural) to avoid confusion.

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Journal Policies on Intellectual Property

The Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs is open-access and operates under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license. This allows readers to use and share published materials for non-commercial purposes, provided proper credit is given. We follow COPE's guidelines on intellectual property. For more details, refer to our Copyright, Licensing, and Repository Policy.

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Journal Policies on Data Sharing and Reproducibility

We follow the FAIR Principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) for data sharing. If authors do not provide access to raw data without a valid reason, their article may be rejected. All submissions must include a Data Availability statement, even if there is no data included.

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General Repositories

If subject-specific or institutional/funder repositories are unavailable, authors can use general repositories to share their data such as:

Repository Name

Information on costs


- Dryad Digital Repository

Fees apply

Visit the  website

- Figshare

Fees apply

Visit the website

-Harvard Dataverse

Contact repository for datasets over 1 TB

Visit the website

Open Science Framework

Free of charge

Visit the website

Science Data Bank

Free of charge

Visit the website


Donations towards sustainability encouraged

Visit the  website

Our journal follows COPE's guidelines on "data sharing and reproducibility". For more information in this regard please see: 

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Data availability statement

The Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs is committed to fostering open research and requires that all manuscripts submitted for publication include a "Data Availability Statement." This statement is intended to inform readers about the accessibility and availability of the research data associated with the paper. The table below provides templates for authors to use or modify to fit their specific requirements.

Availability of data

Template for data availability statement



- Data is openly available in a public repository that issues datasets with DOIs

The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in [repository name ] at xxx .



- Data openly available in a public repository that does not issue DOIs

The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in [repository name] at [URL].



- Data derived from public domain resources

The data that support the findings of this study are available in [repository name] at [URL/DOI].  These data were derived from the following resources available in the public domain: [list resources and URLs].



- Data available within the article or its supplementary materials

The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article [and/or] its supplementary materials.

Basic, Share upon Request


- Data generated at a central, large-scale facility, available upon request

Raw data were generated at [facility name]. Derived data supporting the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author [initials] on request.

Basic, Share upon Request


- Embargo on data due to commercial restrictions

The data that support the findings will be available in [repository name] at [URL / DOI link] following a [7-month] embargo from the date of publication to allow for the commercialization of research findings.

Basic, Share upon Request


- Data available on request due to privacy/ethical restrictions

The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author, [initials]. 

Basic, Share upon Request


- Data subject to third-party restrictions

The data that support the findings of this study are available [from] [third party]. 

Basic, Share upon Request


- Data available on request from the authors

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, [author initials], upon reasonable request.

Basic, Share upon Request


- Data sharing is not applicable – no new data is generated

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.



- Non-digital data available

Non-digital data supporting this study are curated at [add location].



- Data not available due to [ethical/legal/commercial] restrictions

Due to the nature of this research, participants of this study did not agree for their data to be shared publicly, so supporting data is not available.



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Post-publication discussions and corrections

The Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs encourages discussion and debates regarding its published articles through letters to the editor or on an external moderated platform such as PubPeer. PubPeer is a platform that facilitates the evaluation and discussion of scientific research after it has been published. The journal follows the guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding post-publication discussions and corrections.

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Duties of Editors

Our journal follows COPE's guidelines on the "Code of conduct for journal editors". For more information in this regard please see:

Types of conflicts of interest for editors are:The Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs recognizes and takes into consideration the following potential sources of conflict when evaluating and publishing articles: personal conflicts, financial conflicts, non-financial conflicts, submission by an editor, submission from the same institution, personal relationships, political or religious beliefs, submission by a family member of the editor(s), or by an author whose relationship with the editor(s) may give rise to the appearance of bias. Our publisher and editors are committed to publishing corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies as necessary.

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Duties of Authors


The term "authorship" can refer to either the originator of an idea, such as the person who created the theory of relativity, or the individuals responsible for executing and disseminating intellectual or creative works. To address this, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) offers crucial resources for authors, policy guidance for editors, clarification on the scope of submission guidelines, tools for resolving pre- and post-publication authorship disputes, and guidance for institutions to maintain and support the integrity of authorship. Our journal follows COPE's guidelines on authorship. For additional information, please refer to COPE's Discussion Document on Authorship.  

Credit Author Statement

CRediT provides authors with the chance to accurately and thoroughly describe their various contributions to the published work. CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is a high-level categorization system consisting of 14 roles that can be utilized to represent the typical functions performed by contributors to scientific scholarly output. The roles describe the unique contribution of each contributor to the scholarly output.

When documenting the contributions of multiple authors in a research article using the CRediT taxonomy, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Assign multiple roles to individual contributors as needed, and allow a single role to be shared by multiple contributors.
  • Specify the level of contribution as "lead," "equal," or "supporting" if multiple individuals share the same role.
  • The corresponding author is responsible for assigning roles, and all contributors should have the opportunity to review and confirm their assigned roles.
  • Select only the contribution roles that are relevant to the specific study, as not all categories will apply to every type of research.
  • Ensure the accuracy of the role descriptions and obtain agreement from all authors, which is the responsibility of the corresponding author.
  • List the roles of all authors as they appear in the article.

A comprehensive CRediT author statement should be included to specify each contributor's role. For instance:

"Conceptualization: J.S., K.T., M.W., N.B. Data curation: K.T., J.S., R.H., E.F. Formal analysis: N.B., J.S., K.T., M.W. Funding acquisition: J.S., K.T., M.W. Investigation: K.T., R.H., E.F., J.S. Methodology: J.S., K.T., M.W., N.B. Project administration: K.T., J.S. Writing—original draft: K.T., J.S. Writing—review and editing: J.S., K.T., M.W., R.H., N.B., E.F. All authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript."

The corresponding author should act as the primary liaison between the editor and the other authors, keeping everyone informed and engaged in key publication decisions. If there are joint first authors, include a note such as "A and B contributed equally to this work" in the manuscript, and ensure their roles are clearly detailed in the authorship statement.

This structure of 14 roles is adapted from the Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration (CASRAI) guidelines.

For research articles with multiple authors, include a paragraph summarizing each individual's contributions. For example:

CRediT Author Statement: Conceptualization: J.S., K.T., M.W., N.B. Data curation: K.T., J.S., R.H., E.F. Formal analysis: N.B., J.S., K.T., M.W. Funding acquisition: J.S., K.T., M.W. Investigation: K.T., R.H., E.F., J.S. Methodology: J.S., K.T., M.W., N.B. Project administration: K.T., J.S. Writing—original draft: K.T., J.S. Writing—review and editing: J.S., K.T., M.W., R.H., N.B., E.F. All authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript.

The corresponding author should facilitate communication between the editor and co-authors, keeping everyone in the loop and involved in significant publication decisions. For papers with multiple first authors, state "A and B contributed equally to this work" in the manuscript, and make sure their roles are clearly outlined in the authorship statement.


  1. The presentation of the 14 roles has been adapted from the Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration (CASRAI) website.

        Read more about CRediT here

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Duties of Reviewers

The peer reviewers of the Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs are expected to adhere to the ethical guidelines established by COPE. As a reviewer, it is important to be prompt, objective, and clearly articulate your views with supporting arguments. Confidentiality and consideration for ethical considerations such as disclosure and conflicts of interest are also crucial responsibilities that must be taken into account during the peer review process, in accordance with COPE regulations.


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Duties of the Publisher

The publisher is dedicated to ensuring the long-term accessibility and preservation of scholarly research and accomplishes this through partnerships with organizations and the maintenance of its own digital archive. The publisher upholds its commitment to independent editorial decision-making and takes full responsibility for protecting against scientific abuse, fraud, and plagiarism. In instances of suspected or confirmed scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication, or plagiarism, the publisher will work closely with the editors to take appropriate action, including publishing an erratum, clarification, or, in the most extreme cases, retracting the affected work.  

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For more information please see the Journal policies

The Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs publication ethics and malpractice statement has been written in accordance with COPE general guidelines

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Publishing Schedule

The Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs publishes two issues per year (June and December). Prior to release as a printout, the accepted papers will first be published online on the website of the journal.

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Alanya University is the sole owner of the Journal Of Contemporary Urban Affairs.

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Journal’s Revenue Sources

Alanya University Rectorate is the only source of income for this journal. There are no other "revenue sources" for the Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs.

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ORCID Number

The journal strongly suggests that all authors submitting a paper obtain an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) account. ORCID registration provides a unique and permanent digital identifier for the author, which enhances the discoverability of their published work and ensures that proper credit is given to the correct author. The ORCID remains unchanged, even if the author's name, affiliation, or research field changes, ensuring that their past work remains easily discoverable and making it easier to correspond with colleagues. The journal strongly encourages the corresponding authors to include their ORCID in their submission information and suggests that co-authors do the same. The ORCID should be included in the author's information at the time of submission, and if the paper is accepted, it will be published along with the submission.

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