Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs Now Indexed in ERIH PLUS


We are delighted to announce a significant achievement for the Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs: our inclusion in the esteemed ERIH PLUS – European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences. This prestigious indexing reflects our commitment to publishing high-quality research in Environmental Studies, Human Geography and Urban Studies, and Interdisciplinary Research in the Social Sciences.

The ERIH PLUS indexation is a critical milestone for our journal as it recognizes the depth, rigor, and impact of the work published by our esteemed authors and diligently reviewed by our editors. Being indexed in ERIH PLUS not only enhances the visibility and prestige of our journal but also significantly contributes to the global reach and impact of the research we disseminate.

With a publication frequency of two issues per year (June & December) and available online with ISSN 2475-6164, the Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs continues to strive for excellence and innovation in the field of urban studies. This new development is not just a recognition of past accomplishments but also a stepping stone towards future successes.

We encourage our readership, authors, and collaborators to visit our website at and to contact us at with your submissions, inquiries, and ongoing support.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey and for contributing to the scholarly community we serve.  

Congratulations to all our contributors and supporters!