A Review of the Meaning of Home in Multi-Ethnic Settings





Meaning of Home, Multi-Ethnic, Home Practice, Home Making, Physical Home


This paper explores the meaning of home from multiple regions and the factors that influence the definition of home from multi-ethnic perspectives. A hypothesis derived that each ethnicity of a household practises cultural values and that reconfiguring physical spaces provides greater knowledge of their definition of home. This study employed a systematic review to gather the most relevant papers in the existing literature from the year 2000 to 2023, to address the gaps in knowledge in conceptualising the meaning of home in multi-ethnic settings. The findings respond to the hypothesis of this paper, that each household practises privacy and social boundaries in line with their belief systems and that reconfiguring physical space is part of homemaking tactics. This study outcome contributes to the development of a new conceptual framework that clarifies a comprehensive cause-effect relationship between key variables, ethnicity as the social aspect, built space as the physical aspect and practice as the personal or psychological aspect, resulting in a greater understanding of the meaning of home in multi-ethnic settings from three scenarios; the home as socio-spatial, psycho-spatial and emotive space entity.


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Author Biographies

Erna Nuralia Zharani, School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Science, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Erna Zharani is a PhD researcher in the Architecture and Urbanism Research Group at the University of Leeds. In 2014, she received her Bachelor's Degree in Architecture and Master's Degree in Architecture from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2019 for her research on "Facade Design of Public Buildings Towards the Development of National Architectural Identity".

Erna has over six years of experience in property and hotel development companies in Malaysia. Her previous experience includes as a part-time lecturer for Diploma Architecture at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia before beginning her full-time PhD studies in Leeds. She has been a guest panellist several times for student architectural design reviews and project assessments at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, the University Malaya and UCSI University.

Prof. Gehan Selim, School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Science, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Professor Gehan Selim is the Hoffman Wood Chair in Architecture at the University of Leeds. She is the Deputy Director at Leeds Social Sciences Institute and was Fellow of The Senator George Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice (2017/18).  She is leading the Architecture and Urbanism Research Group at the University of Leeds with her research covering interdisciplinary methods bridging between Architecture, Memory and Digital Heritage.

Professor Selim has developed a sustained record of over 70 high-quality publications cited by scholars in Architecture and other fields. She led and coordinated over 20 research projects, leading multi-international teams in the global south. Her research received multiple national/international awards such as The Newton Fund Prize for Outstanding Impact (2020); Best Practice Project Award by the International Council of Museums, ICOM (2017); and the Women of Achievements Awards (2021) in recognition of excellence and outstanding performance in interdisciplinary research. She is the author of ‘Unfinished Places’ (Routledge, 2017) and ‘Architecture, Space and Memory of Resurrection in Northern Ireland’ (Routledge, 2019).


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How to Cite

Zharani, E. N., & Selim, G. (2023). A Review of the Meaning of Home in Multi-Ethnic Settings. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 7(1), 103–121. https://doi.org/10.25034/ijcua.2023.v7n1-8

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